表1:新旧题型变化 NO. 旧题型 新题型 Task 1 描述题 1. 描述题 2. 三选一题型 3. 建议题 4. 优缺点题 Task 2 二选一 二选一 表2:2017年Task1真题中各题型比例 题型 占总比情况 三选一 29/45 64% 建议题 8/45 18% 描述题 6/45 13% 优缺点题 2/45 5%
描述题 描述题是曾经考题小霸王,但是在16、17年考到的频率逐年下降,考察的话题难度有所增加。曾经可以把Task1简单粗暴的归来为人物、事件、地点和物品四种类型,如经典的Describe a city that you live in就是早年描述题的典型代表,但是2016年以来针对某件事情给出建议和描述个人喜好的题型日益增多,对同学们的语言能力提出更高的挑战。如 1.Describe something that you thought was negative the first time you went to school, but turned out to be positive. Please include details in your response.(2018-1-28真题) 2.Things keep changing. Describe one thing you think you would never do ten years ago.(2018-3-24真题) 2 三选一题型 从表2中可以看出,三选一题型所占比重过半,所以同学们在练习口语时,除了经典的黄金口语80题和TPO外,在平时也要充分利用我们公众号发布的托福考情回顾,多练习真题。 1.What do you think about smart phones to students? Here are three benefits of smart phones to students, which do you think is good to students? A.Taking photos B.Listening to music C.Recording courses (2018-3-11真题) 2.Your school newspaper is going to add an extra section. Which of the following would you suggest the editor add? A. Local Restaurant review B. tips and advice for traveling C. Film review(2018-3-3真题) 3 建议题 今年考到的建议类题目话题都比较经典:如省钱,旅游等。所以在平时备考时,一些常用语料的背诵还是需要的。 1.It is very difficult for people to save money nowadays. What kind of suggestions do you have for people to overcome the difficulties?(2018-1-6真题) 2.Your foreign friend is considering coming to your country to visit, but he/she doesn't know how to plan the trip. What suggestions do you give him/her?(2018-3-10真题) 4 优缺点题 优缺点是四类题型中难度较小的,因为同学们可以从两个相反的角度阐述观点,大大减轻了构思理由的难度。 1.One advantage or disadvantage of universities located in small town or rural areas?(2018-3-31真题) 2.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of open book exams. (2018-4-21真题)
希望通过今天的文章,同学们能够对Task1有进一步的了解。针对不同的题型,总结自己习惯用的答题方式,并增加对薄弱题型的练习量。 考托路上,一起加油!